At Manitoba Hydro, we believe in inclusion, value diversity, and recognize the importance of improving access and removing barriers for customers, the public, and employees.
We are committed to:
- meeting the needs and abilities of all people, while maintaining their dignity and independence;
- meeting the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (Province of Manitoba website).
View Manitoba Hydro’s 2025-2026 Accessibility Plan, including Statement of Commitment, and Accessibility Policy.
We constantly work to improve accessibility to all parts of our business for all people. We want to hear how we are doing and what we could be doing better. If you have an accessibility request and/or feedback, please fill in our Accessibility requests and feedback form.
Website accessibility
Universal accessibility to our website means that all people, regardless of their physical or developmental abilities, have access to web-based information and services.
To accommodate a wide range of users and devices, we follow the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. We continually work to improve our website to make it accessible for as many people as possible.
Learn more about the accessibility features of your device or web browser:
- Android
- Apple iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch
- Google Chrome/Chrome OS
- Microsoft Edge
- Microsoft Windows
- Mozilla Firefox
Manitoba Hydro’s Accessibility Plan 2025-2026
The following plan highlights Manitoba Hydro’s progress and achievements in calendar years 2023 and 2024 and identifies the actions Manitoba Hydro will commit to in calendar years 2025 and 2026.
Overview of programs and services
Manitoba Hydro is a provincial Crown Corporation and one of the largest integrated electricity and natural gas distribution utilities in Canada. We provide and market products that generate, transmit and distribute power within and outside the province.
Statement of commitment
Manitoba Hydro is committed to achieving accessibility and meeting the needs and abilities of all people while ensuring their dignity and independence is maintained.
Manitoba Hydro believes in inclusion, values diversity, and recognizes the importance of improving access and removing barriers for its customers, public and employees. Manitoba Hydro is committed to meeting the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).
Accessibility progress and achievements
Manitoba Hydro continues to identify, remove, and prevent accessibility barriers. All public requests are tracked in an Accessibility Request Registry. Over the past eight years, the corporation has received 201 requests throughout the province.
The feedback provided helped remove barriers in the areas of customer service, built environment, recruitment, and accessible formats. From this information, the corporation has taken various steps to integrate accessibility into our organization and workplace.
- The cross-functional Accessibility Working Group at Manitoba Hydro continues to ensure compliance with The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA) requirements. It identifies policies, programs, practices, and services that may cause barriers for employees, customers, and members of the public with disabilities.
- The procurement procedure was strengthened to include AMA standard requirements for relevant contracts that may interact with the public on behalf of the corporation.
- The internal “Accessibility at Manitoba Hydro" webpage is regularly reviewed and updated. It includes multiple resources to assist employees with various accessibility requests that touch on all standards.
- An accessibility focused survey was completed in 2024, for employees and disability organizations. The recommendations formed from that data are noted in this document.
Customer Service
- The three online training modules on Accessibility, AMA, The Human Rights Code and the Accessible Customer Service Standard were updated. All Manitoba Hydro employees and the Manitoba HydroElectric Board members are required to take this training.
- Ongoing collaboration with customers and members of the public, on a case-by-case basis to respond to individual accessible needs in both official languages.
- The online Outage Map, available to customers through desktop or mobile devices, is regularly updated.
- Digital notices continue to be sent to customers by email or text to help address potential barriers with phone contact and mobility.
- The customer online account portal, and customer self-service portal for desktop and mobile devices is monitored for accessibility barriers. This provides a digital platform for customer engagement and service and an alternative to phone contact.
- Meter reading support is provided by a Manitoba Hydro employee (or contractor) at no charge to customers with disabilities in rural (selfread) areas.
- When hosting public events, such as open houses, workshops or public accountability meetings, Manitoba Hydro includes accessibility needs in the planning process.
Information and Communication
- In October 2024, a new online training module was created and launched to educate employees on the Accessible Information and Communication Standard. All employees are required to take this training by end of March 2025.
- As of November 2024, both customers and employees can use the same Accessibility Feedback Form on the external website to submit accessibility requests.
- The accessibility tagline with an active offer of service was updated for documents, and points to the Accessibility Registry and Feedback Form located on Manitoba Hydro’s external website.
- A new enterprise Accessibility Standards document was created to guide employees on the creation of enterprise communications, including digital, and documents.
- Documents and videos were created for employees, to provide document accessibility tips for Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, PDFs, SharePoint, and Excel.
- Automated accessibility testing tools are used to help identify and lower barriers on Manitoba Hydro’s external website.
- Training on the Accessibility Standard for Employment is required for all positions that are involved in supervising, hiring and human resource functions.
- Manitoba Hydro informs applicants that reasonable accommodations are available upon request during all phases of the assessment and recruitment process.
Built Environment
- The accessibility features of buildings are evaluated and updated as needed.
- Accessibility audits were conducted at multiple building locations. A new signage template was created to notify the public when accessible features of the building are not working.
Current accessibility barriers
To better understand the barriers to accessibility encountered at Manitoba Hydro, a process was created to gather public feedback about accessibility via email, in person or telephone. The information is tracked in the accessibility registry and reviewed regularly.
In addition, a survey was created and shared with disability organizations in Manitoba, as well as Manitoba Hydro employees. The results of the surveys informed recommendations that have been included in this document.
Most barriers identified by the public have been addressed. Some barriers require a longer-term solution, while others can be addressed in a shorter time. Both are identified in the section below, and in the Accessibility Plan section.
- Employee accessibility related training and educational offerings should be reviewed and updated if required. Consider how people with disabilities could contribute more directly to the review.
- Review existing engagement processes to explore ways to increase direct engagement opportunities with internal and external persons with disabilities to help to identify and reduce barriers.
- Develop a process to evaluate performance and compliance with the Accessible Information and Communications Standard, for both external and internal-facing communications. For example, this process could include, sign language use, various screen readers and other technologies.
- Additional resources should be added to provide support for accessibility programs, and in particular to assist in meeting provincial requirements of the new Accessible Information and Communication Standard requirements.
Customer Service
- Existing emergency and urgent information communication practices in the physical and digital environments should be reviewed for barriers. For example, consider where sign language support could be added.
Information and Communication
- While Manitoba Hydro regularly tries to identify and address barriers, some barriers may still be encountered in the communication of information, especially for those with hearing, learning and/or visual disabilities.
- Sections of Manitoba Hydro’s external website are not fully accessible for screen readers, and other technologies, such as the online application system.
- Existing communication options that Manitoba Hydro offers in both the physical and digital customer service environments should be reviewed. This should include reviewing how these options are being shared with the public and customers, so barriers can be proactively addressed. Consideration should be given to mechanisms such as Communication Access Real-Time Translation (CART), sign language, and Video Relay Service.
- Existing employment recruitment process and procedures should be reviewed, and areas of improvement identified.
Built Environment
- Way-finding signage should be reviewed, as barriers continue to exist, particularly at Manitoba Hydro Place.
- While Manitoba Hydro continually upgrades facilities to increase accessibility, such as creating more accessible building entrances, increasing accessible parking options, updating washrooms, and updating door handles, barriers may still exist.
- A review of building accessibility features against building code, and best practices should be conducted. The list of building accessibility features should be updated and shared with customers and employees.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan: 2025–2026
Manitoba Hydro has, and will continue to incorporate accessibility into, its policies, procedures, training, and websites, as identified in the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
1 - General accessibility
1A - Accessibility policy
- Review the Manitoba Hydro Accessibility Policy and Statement of Commitment and update as required.
1A - Accessibility policy expected outcomes
- Provide a clear message and overarching direction about accessibility at Manitoba Hydro.
1B - Multi-year accessibility plan
- Review and update the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan every two (2) years.
- Regularly review the Accessibility Plan to ensure it is up to date with current practices and technologies.
- Seek feedback from employees and from disability organizations in Manitoba about accessibility and work to increase direct engagement with persons with disabilities.
1B - Multi-year accessibility plan expected outcomes
- Identify actions and priorities that will assist Manitoba Hydro in becoming more accessible.
- Create employee awareness and support of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and Manitoba Hydro’s Accessibility Plan.
1C - Accessibility requests
- Provide active offer of accessibility requests in documents, webpages, etc.
- Provide documents in a different format on request.
- Continue to monitor customer, public and employee feedback regarding ease of use for reporting accessibility requests.
- Monitor and take appropriate action on accessibility requests from customers, public and employees.
1C - Accessibility requests expected outcomes
- Ensures customers, the public, and employees have a clear and accessible manner in which to report and receive feedback regarding barriers and accessibility.
- Ensure customers, the public, and employees can access documents, websites, etc., and regularly identify and address barriers.
- Track accessibility requests in a corporate accessibility registry and ensure requests are acted upon in a timely manner.
1D - Training
- Track and monitor all employee accessibility required course completions.
- Review employee accessibility related training and educational offerings every two years and update as necessary (including when standards are updated, or new ones come out).
- Consider review and recommendations from people with disabilities to enhance training.
- Seek and review feedback from employees on all accessibility training modules.
1D - Training expected outcomes
- Ensure employees are educated on the Accessibility for Manitobans Act legislation and standards, and that their feedback informs the improvement of training materials.
- Employees understand how to anticipate and address accessibility barriers in advance and respond to customer requests for accommodation.
- Ensure employees are accessing the most up to date and comprehensive training and educational offerings.
1E - Accessibility support
- Consider adding additional resources to provide support, related to meeting provincial physical and digital accessibility requirements, particularly in relation to the new Accessible Information and Communication Standard requirements.
1E - Accessibility support expected outcomes
- Enhanced employee support ensures more barriers are identified, and addressed, on an ongoing basis.
1F - Community engagement
- Review Manitoba Hydro’s existing engagement processes and consider ways to enhance direct engagement of persons with disabilities on various aspects of the accessibility program including training and the evaluation of accessibility.
1F - Community engagement expected outcomes
- Enhanced engagement will help to proactively identify, and reduce, accessibility barriers for the public and employees. This will also enhance training and improve overall engagement with the disability community.
2 - Customer service
2A - Goods and services actions
- Regularly identify and lower barriers in access to goods and services.
- Maintain up to date processes and protocols for employees on accommodations required when a barrier cannot be removed, and develop or provide reasonable alternatives.
- Incorporate accessibility considerations into the redesign of the customer bill.
2A - Goods and services actions expected outcomes
- Customer service is improved for members of the public and customers facing barriers to goods and services.
- There is a consistent customer service process when making accessibility requests, for members of the public and customers.
- Customer bills will be quicker and easier to read and have fewer barriers for people with disabilities.
2B - Communication supports
- Assist and consult with customers who self-identify as being disabled by a barrier in addressing their needs.
- Recognize and support customers that use assistive devices, support persons, or service animals.
2B - Communication supports expected outcomes
- Ensure customers and members of the public receive equal and timely access to information, goods or services.
2C - Public events
- Review and revise processes, resources, and checklists for employees to ensure reasonable accessibility to public events.
2C - Public events expected outcomes
- Public events are more accessible to all Manitobans.
2D - Emergency and urgent information
- Review existing emergency and urgent information communication practices and address barriers where practical.
2D - Emergency and urgent information expected outcomes
- Employees, customers, and the public are provided with important information in the most appropriate way for the event.
- Decreases liability and increases safety for customers, the public, and employees.
3 - Information and communication
3A - Information and communication actions
- Regularly review external website content and identify ways to improve accessibility.
- Develop all new website content to comply with WCAG version 2.1 Level AA at a minimum.
- New technological initiatives will consider accessibility where possible.
- Review existing communication options that Manitoba Hydro offers in both the physical and digital customer service environments. Review how these options are being shared with the public and customers. Consider the mechanisms of Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART), sign language, and Video Relay Service.
- Review new videos before posting on Manitoba Hydro’s external website and consider addition of closed captioning.
- Update Manitoba Hydro templates and corporate font to support accessibility.
- Evaluate performance and compliance with the Accessible Information and Communications Standard, for both external and internal facing communications through a pilot audit program.
3A - Information and communication actions expected outcomes
- Improve access to Manitoba Hydro information and videos on external websites and lessen need to respond to feedback due to barriers.
- More barriers will be proactively identified and removed in other technological initiatives, such as document templates, corporate font, etc.
- Proactively identify and remove barriers by reviewing existing communication options. This may lead to greater public awareness of current accessibility features and processes.
4 - Employment
4A - Employment actions
- The process to develop Individual Emergency Response Plans will be further refined for employees with disabilities.
- Develop process to share information from those Individual Emergency Response Plans with emergency response personnel, when consent is given.
- Review the existing employment recruitment process and procedures every two years and explore areas of improvement.
- Continue to ensure new hires are informed about our policies for accommodating employees in the workplace.
- Regularly review the reasonable accommodation policy and update as needed.
4A - Employment actions expected outcomes
- An Individual Emergency Response Plan is created to support employees with disabilities that identify a need during emergencies.
- Increased safety will be provided for employees who choose to share their information with emergency response personnel.
- Accommodation policies and processes may increase employee engagement, retention, independence, and job satisfaction.
5 - Built environment
5A - Built environment actions
- Consider incorporating barrier free, Universal Design principles when upgrading current and designing new buildings.
- Conduct a review of building accessibility features for building code and best practices. Seek to incorporate direct feedback from people with disabilities in the review. Update building accessibility features for customer and employee communication channels.
- Continue to renovate and create new accessible Universal Toilet Rooms in Manitoba Hydro buildings.
5A - Built environment actions expected outcomes
- Improved physical access for the public, customers, and employees to Manitoba Hydro buildings.
- Continue to renovate and create new accessible Universal Toilet Rooms in Manitoba Hydro buildings.
- Increased communication about up-to-date building accessibility features will help users know in advance which accessibility features are present, so they can plan in advance. This ensures a better user experience, more independence, and less frustration.
Printable versions
- Manitoba Hydro Accessibility Plan 2025–2026 (PDF, 174 KB)
- Large-print – Manitoba Hydro Accessibility Plan 2025–2026 (PDF, 163 KB)
Accessibility policy
Statement of commitment
Manitoba Hydro is committed to achieving accessibility and meeting the needs and abilities of all people while ensuring their dignity and independence is maintained.
Manitoba Hydro believes in inclusion, values diversity, and recognizes the importance of improving access and removing barriers for its customers, public and employees. The corporation is committed to meeting the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (Province of Manitoba website).
Policy availability
The corporation will maintain its accessibility policy in a written format. It will be available to the public and will be provided in an accessible format when requested.
Multi-year accessibility plan
Manitoba Hydro’s Accessibility Plan will be reviewed and updated every 2 years. The corporation will make the plan available to the public and provide it in an accessible format when requested.
Information and communications
When providing information to, or communicating with, a person with a disability, Manitoba Hydro will provide, on request, the information and communication in an accessible format or with a communication support. The corporation will work in consultation with the person with the disability to provide the information in a timely manner that takes into account the person’s disability.
Customer service
Manitoba Hydro will strive to provide barrier-free access to goods and services that accommodates the needs of its customers. The corporation will recognize and support members of the public who use assistive devices, support persons or service animals.
Employment accessibility
Upon request, Manitoba Hydro will offer accommodations to applicants during all phases of the recruitment process and will work with employees to provide workplace accommodations for temporary or permanent disabilities.
The corporation will provide training to employees on accessibility requirements under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and the Accessible Customer Service Standard. As new standards are developed, updates to training modules will be developed and delivered to employees.
Printable versions
- Manitoba Hydro accessibility policy (PDF, 69 KB)
- Large-print – Manitoba Hydro accessibility policy (PDF, 74 KB)