We send you an energy bill each month that breaks down charges based on the type of services you use. Understanding the features of your energy bill can help you find the information you need. It might look different depending on how you get your bill (paper or paperless).
Your consumption history section shows how much electricity and natural gas you’ve used the previous month. These numbers are based on estimates and your meter readings. They can be more accurate with regular meter readings.

- Consumption history – The use comparison for your electricity and/or natural gas services. The comparison shows as a graph in April, May, October, and November, and a table in other reading months.
- Use this year – Your actual use billed for the service period this year.
- Days in period – The number of days in the service period.
- Use per day this year – Your actual use billed for the service period this year divided by the days in the service period this year.
- Use last year – Your actual use billed for the same service period last year.
- Use per day last year – Your actual use billed for the same service period last year divided by the days in the same service period last year.
- Use for the last 12 months – Your use for the last 12 months.
How much you owe
Your charges section shows the amount of energy you’ve used during your service period multiplied by a flat rate, as well as any applicable taxes, charges and fees. All electricity and natural gas rates are set by the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba.
Breakdown of your electricity charges

- Meter number – This is the meter at your property, you can find this number on your electricity meter. The bill details and charges are related to this meter.
- Service from/to – The dates covered by this bill.
- Days – The number of days in the service period.
- Reading type – The reading that we used to bill you. There are 3 types of meter readings: estimated, actual, and customer. An estimated reading is based on past readings. An actual reading was done by Manitoba Hydro or a contract meter reader. A customer reading is what you submit to us.
- Basic charge – The fixed charge that helps pay for services like meter maintenance, meter reading, billing, and record keeping.
- Energy charge – A breakdown of the costs of your electrical service calculated by multiplying the number of kilowatt-hours by a rate for that block of energy. If we provide different rates for different portions of your service, each rate calculation will appear on its own line.
- Electricity charges – The sum of all charges for your electricity service, including taxes.
Breakdown of your natural gas charges

- Meter number – This is the meter at your property, you can find this number on your natural gas meter. The bill details and charges are related to this meter.
- Basic charge – The fixed charge that helps pay for services like meter maintenance, meter reading, billing, and record keeping.
- Gas commodity – The natural gas we (or your independent natural gas marketer) buy on your behalf. This cost is passed on to you without markup. You pay what we pay.
- Delivery – The cost to deliver natural gas to your home or business.
- Natural gas charges – The sum of all charges for your natural gas service, including taxes.
- Federal carbon charge – The charge applied as part of the federal government’s carbon pollution pricing system. Learn more about the federal carbon charge.
On-bill energy assistance plans
We have plans and programs to help make your bill more affordable. When you enrol in any of these plans, it will show on your statement:
- Equal Payment Plan,
- Home Energy Efficiency Loan,
- Customer Arrears Assistance Plan;
- Efficiency Manitoba’s Energy Efficiency Assistance Program.
Equal Payment Plan (EPP)

- Instalments billed – The EPP amount you’ve been billed for so far.
- Use – The actual cost of energy you used for your electricity and/or natural gas service.
- Difference – The difference between your actual energy costs and the EPP instalments billed. The difference will show either a balancing owing or credit.
Review the EPP portion of your bill monthly
See if your EPP payments will be revised and know if your account will have a credit or a balance owing at the end of the EPP year. Learn more about the Equal Payment Plan.
Loans & other charges

- Current interest – The interest portion of your loan payment.
- Current principal – The principal portion of your loan payment.
- Principal balance remaining – The remaining balance due on your loan this bill.
- Installment – The number of loan payments you've made within your loan term.

- Other charges – Charges or credits for other services (e.g., rental charges). The GST is displayed separately, if applicable.
Online bill (paperless)
Your online account gives you an electronic copy of the same energy bill that you would typically see in the mail. It includes a high-level summary of your balance, due dates and a PDF of your bill. It also lets you set up text, phone or email reminders when it’s time to pay.