Exchange your meter

Why we exchange meters

Accurate meter readings help to ensure accurate bills. Under federal regulations, meters* must be exchanged to ensure accurate billing.

If you received notification that we plan to exchange your natural gas meter, you can conveniently schedule an appointment through your online account or contact us Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. to book an appointment. Have your Manitoba Hydro account number, service address, and your home or primary phone number available.

Once you’ve scheduled an appointment one of our representatives will come and exchange the meter. Manitoba Hydro staff will arrive in marked Manitoba Hydro vehicles and will have employee identification. Your natural gas service will be interrupted briefly while we exchange the meter. After the new meter is installed, we will perform some basic safely/operating checks and then relight your appliances.

We recommend scheduling an appointment so we can relight any gas appliances inside your property and make sure they are operating safely. If you do not book an appointment we will come to exchange the meter during the non-heating season. A card will be left at your property with a telephone number to call to book an appointment to relight your gas appliances.

The Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations set the rules for the measurement of electricity and natural gas provided for sale. Under the Act and Regulations, meters used by utilities and other service providers for the sale of electricity and natural gas must be exchanged from time to time for:

  • meter testing and verification to ensure accurate measurement (section 12 of the Act);
  • replacement of a defective or broken meter (section 16 of the Act);
  • investigation and testing of a meter as part of a consumer or utility complaint of suspected inaccurate measurement (section 23 of the Act);
  • meter testing for monitoring compliance with the requirements of the Act or as may be otherwise required by the President of Measurement Canada (section 22 of the Act);
  • routine maintenance (section 16 of the Act).

If you have specific concerns about the operation of the meter at your property, please contact us.

*All metering equipment is the property of Manitoba Hydro. It is an offence under the Act to prevent or refuse the removal from service of a meter for one of the above purposes.