This article was published in November 2022 and may be outdated.
“Every single child should have a gift to open on Christmas. Every child deserves a toy to play with. I would do anything to help make that happen,” said Veronica Walls, who has channeled her passion into action.
Since 2005, she has collected a total of over 5,200 toys for the Christmas Cheer Board, as well as over 14,600 kilograms of food and over $102,000 in monetary donations from fellow Manitoba Hydro employees, except in 2020 and 2021 due to pandemic.
Annually, the Christmas Cheer Board distributes over 16,000 hampers to Winnipeggers in need and relies on donations to make that happen.
“With inflation and the soaring cost of food, this is a record year for Cheer Board requests, and any and every donation is greatly appreciated,” she said. “We are often wrapped up in our own busy lives around the holidays, and it’s easy to forget that some are less fortunate.”
“But if each of us can bring in even one can or box of food, or a toy, collectively, we can make a big difference for Manitoban families over the holidays.”
As a recognized Manitoba Hydro Employee Champion, Veronica will receive $750 from Manitoba Hydro for the Christmas Cheer Board.