Replacing a substation is no small feat. Part of the process involves upgrading the aging infrastructure connected to the system.

Ice melting gone viral
Providing Energy for Life means coming up with innovative solutions to provincial problems. A long time ago, we figured out ice on power lines causes outages – so we came up with a made-in-Manitoba solution to keep the power on for our customers.

St. Norbert outage: behind the scenes
It’s tough being without power in frigid Manitoba weather. It’s also tough to restore power in frigid Manitoba weather. Here’s what it took to get power back on for 1,700 customers on a cold January night.

Keeyask Generation Project – final update video
As all of Keeyask’s units are providing power and the work to complete the generating station, spillway, and the related infrastructure concluded in 2022, we made a last visit to site to make a video showing the state of the project.