Street lights turn purple thanks to a manufacturing defect — and we’re not the only utility in the world dealing with the defect.

BANG: why we use implosion sleeves
Implosion sleeves are a specialized piece of equipment that uses a small detonation to permanently fuse power lines together. Manitoba Hydro crews recently used them on a transmission line in Brandon and filmed the process.

New transmission to Eastman in service
A new transmission line from south Winnipeg to the RM of Hanover (southeast of the city) was put into service late last year and now serves one of the fastest growing areas of Manitoba.

New Birtle transmission line starts sending power to Saskatchewan
The Birtle Transmission Project delivers renewable hydropower Saskatchewan and was completed ahead of schedule and under budget.

Dry conditions aren’t only factor in Manitoba Hydro’s water supply
Huge watershed feeds generating stations in dry times.

Third year of federal carbon charge on natural gas starts April 1
The cost of natural gas increases April 1, 2021 as part of the federal government’s multi-year carbon pollution pricing system.

Ensuring reliable service while responding to COVID-19
The situation around the world has changed rapidly, but our commitment to bring safe and reliable electricity and natural gas to your home remains the same.

FYI on street lights
We get a lot of questions about street lights. We’ll answer the most common.

Why we export power
Revenue from our power exports brought in more than 22% of our total electric revenue from 2010–19, or about $3.9 billion. Without our export sales, your electricity rates would be about 20% higher than they are today.

Second year of federal carbon charge takes effect April 1
The cost of natural gas increases April 1, 2020 as part of the federal government’s multi-year carbon pollution pricing system.