Pole fires are caused after winter when dust and grime cover the insulators that connect power lines to the top of wood poles, and can bring down live lines and be a public safety risk.

Fourth year of federal carbon charge on natural gas starts April 1
The increase in federal carbon charge on April 1, 2022 is expected to result in an average annual increase of approximately $44 to natural gas bills for the typical residential customer.

Get a $30 rebate for your old working fridge or freezer
Efficiency Manitoba’s Appliance Recycling Program helps you save energy and money by removing and recycling qualifying fridges and freezers.

Get your account statement the easy way
Register your account online or download the Manitoba Hydro app to get easy access to a statement of your account for your taxes.

Keep your home safe for everyone this winter
Keep your walkways, furnace vents, and meters free of snow and ice to help us access our equipment safely. Report any outages immediately so we can get the power back on.

Pull the plug on vampire power
Learn how ‘energy vampires’ consume electrical power from appliances and electronics that are on standby mode in your home.

Tree trimming – who’s responsible?
Learn who is responsible for keeping trees, shrubs, and vegetation safely away from our electrical infrastructure. Find out how to submit a tree safety assessment request.

12 Days of Safety
Follow these 12 days electrical and natural gas safety tips so you and your family are safe during the holidays.

Season’s Greetings from Manitoba Hydro
A holiday message from Manitoba Hydro’s President & CEO Jay Grewal.

The more you know about CO could save your life
Protect yourself against CO – an invisible, odourless, tasteless, and highly toxic gas created when fuels burn without enough oxygen.