Distribution stations
There are almost 400 distribution stations in the province. There are 97 stations in the City of Winnipeg, 37 of which are operating beyond their technical limitations; 8 stations are more than 60 years old. We need to replace or refurbish 20 substations in Winnipeg alone, at an estimated cost of $630 million over the next 10 to 12 years.
Outside of Winnipeg, we are making a concerted effort to improve the reliability of service and enhance the capacity of our system. In many cases, we are upgrading distribution stations originally built during the Farm Electrification Program that followed World War II.
In other areas we are adding new distribution capacity to accommodate population and economic growth. This includes upgrading existing distribution lines, building new distribution and supply lines and building new distribution supply centres.
New and refurbished distribution stations
These distribution stations are required to improve system reliability, supply the growing demand in the local area, and make plans for future growth. Built on existing Manitoba Hydro land, refurbished stations will include expansion of their station yards, new equipment, and the reconnection or relocation of feeder lines. As well, safety improvements are required with the aging equipment to protect our staff.
During construction in these areas, there will be short-term power outages as the new equipment is connected. These power outages will be planned in advance and we will attempt to contact affected customers in advance. General construction noise can be expected for the duration of the project. Some traffic delays and disruptions may also occur.
Distribution supply centres
Distribution supply centres (DSC) are smaller, more compact versions of traditional substations. Our DSC technology has advantages over traditional substations in rural and suburban settings:
- less obtrusive on the landscape;
- less time to build;
- more cost-effective.
Since the first DSC was installed in 2001, the technology has been used at more than 60 sites across the province.
What is a Distribution Supply Centre?
Our DSC technology is like a traditional substation – but flipped upside down.
Altona North DSC
The new DSC will be located just north of Altona.
The new Altona North DSC will be built north of the Town of Altona in the RM of Rhineland on Road 9 North approximately 1 km west of Hwy. 30.
The new DSC will increase reliability and support growth in the community, including the Altona Industrial Park.
The new DSC will be designed to be expanded to meet future growth and demand for electricity.
- Construction: spring/summer 2023.
This schedule is subject to change.
Contact us
For more information on any of our distribution supply centres, email us or call 1-877-343-1631.