Southwest Winnipeg transmission improvement project

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A map of the construction areas, colour-coded by phase.

A map of the construction areas, colour-coded by phase.

Enlarge image: A map of the construction areas, colour-coded by phase.

We are rebuilding several of our 115kV transmission lines in the southwest Winnipeg area to improve reliability in south and central Winnipeg. That involves replacing transmission towers and power lines in 3 phases over the next 2 years.

The new transmission lines will run on existing Manitoba Hydro property, so no new rights-of-way are needed.

Sections of the lines that will be replaced run along Abinojii Mikanah (formerly Bishop Grandin Boulevard) and the Awasisak Mēskanow Trail East (formerly Bishop Grandin Trail). These areas are used by cyclists, pedestrians, and those who live in the area.

We anticipate temporary trail closures during construction.

Some trees are on the existing right-of-way where the new towers will be installed, and will need to be trimmed or removed for safety reasons, and to comply with international reliability standards. Once the project is finished, we will put in new plants that are suitable for the area and won’t pose a risk to our infrastructure.


This work will be taking place in phases, starting in June 2023. To see the construction progress for the project, check out the construction progress map.

  • Phase 1: La Verendrye Station to Mohawk Station. Tower replacement has been completed.
  • Phase 2: Stafford Station to Harrow Station. Tower replacement has been completed.
  • Phase 3: St. Vital Station to Mohawk Station. We anticipate temporary trail closures on Awasisak Mēskanow Trail East in fall 2024.

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