To energize an electric meter, the following requirements must be met by the involved parties:

  1. Home builder is responsible to ensure their site meets Manitoba Hydro's site ready standards:
    • for service trenching to be scheduled a minimum of two adjacent walls need to be up where the service will be located
    • electric and telecommunications equipment is installed to our standard, where the conduit extends 12” below grade, and meets the necessary clearance requirements (Requirements for Residential Service) (PDF, 1.4 MB)
    • the site is within 6” of final grade on the side the service is to be installed
  2. Manitoba Hydro is responsible to verify site readiness and releases application to the contractor
  3. Manitoba Hydro contractor completes underground service installation once locates are received
  4. Home builder is responsible to request an electrical service inspection from either the City of Winnipeg or Manitoba Hydro in rural regions
  5. City of Winnipeg and/or Manitoba Hydro inspections are responsible to notify Manitoba Hydro of passed electrical inspection
  6. Manitoba Hydro receives a passed electrical inspection and schedules electrical meter energization to be completed within five business days of receiving the notification of passed inspection