More in this section To add, relocate, or salvage roadway lighting, complete and submit this application. * = Required field Project information Service location address * (legal description; civic address; lot block plan; river lot; section township range) City, town, or municipality * Postal code Customer Service Centre * Choose one Arborg Ashern Brandon Dauphin Killarney Lac du Bonnet Morden Neepawa Portage la Prairie Russell Selkirk Steinbach Swan River The Pas Thompson Virden Winnipeg (City Centre) Winnipeg (Fort Garry) Winnipeg (St Boniface) If you are unsure of your Customer Service Centre, find it here. Proposed in-service date * Choose the type of service request Addition addition Pole number(s) for additional lighting Select all lighting option(s) Refer to our Street Light Catalog (PDF, 333 KB) and confirm with your advisor. LED steel straight shaft LED acorn luminaire LED colonial luminaire LED octagonal luminaire Breakaway bases required Yes No Relocation relocation Pole number(s) for relocation of existing lighting Salvage salvage Pole number(s) for salvage of existing lighting Description of work * Contact information This application is being submitted by: * requester consultant We will contact the person who submitted this form. Choose a contact option: * email phone Requester * Public authority Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure Contact name * Mailing address City, town, or municipality Postal code Phone * Email * Consultant Business name Name Phone Email Required documents Your application will not be processed without your site plan. Do not attach your AutoCAD file. Your energy services advisor will contact you to finalize your application and request your AutoCAD file. Attach all documents: * PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, TXT, RTF, JPG, BMP, GIF, or PNG format only. While Manitoba Hydro has taken all reasonable efforts to ensure the security of information in transit to Manitoba Hydro, it is not liable for any damages that may arise as the result of interception, loss, theft, or other action or difficulty. After you complete a secure transaction, you should clear the browser cache. Information stored in the browser cache isn’t encrypted. By clearing it, you help to ensure that others can’t compromise your data. Terms and Conditions I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions for electric service (PDF, 146 KB). * Personal information is being collected for the purpose of installing roadway lighting, to new or existing areas as requested by a new or existing customer. It is protected by the Protection of Privacy provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions about the collection, contact the Access and Privacy Coordinator at Manitoba Hydro, 360 Portage Ave. (22), Winnipeg MB R3C 0G8, or telephone 204-480-5900 (Winnipeg) or 1-888-624-9376 (toll free).