Forest Enhancement Program

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The Forest Enhancement Program improves and sustains Manitoba’s forest environment by funding tree planting projects.

Help us make Manitoba’s forests more attractive, diverse, widespread, and productive. Projects that may address climate change are of special interest. We encourage Manitobans to submit project proposals that will benefit their community, their region, or the province as a whole.

Guides to get you started


Non-profit, non-government organizations are eligible. These include citizen, school, youth, conservation, cultural, heritage, environmental, community and service club groups.

Individuals, landowners, for-profit organizations, commercial forestry operations, federal, provincial and local government agencies, golf courses and cemeteries are not eligible for funding.

Ideal candidates for this program are non-profit organizations that have:

  • a volunteer component;
  • a proper planting plan;
  • an educational component.

Eligible school tree planting projects promote appreciation and understanding of the role and importance of trees and sustainable forest management in communities, agricultural areas and forested areas of Manitoba.

Projects that include volunteer or in-kind contributions and that have multiple sources of funding or other tangible support are preferred.

The potential for successful implementation of the project, and the applicant’s commitment to making the project sustainable will be considered.

  • are scored and ranked according to program criteria;
  • will be funded according to the relative merits of each proposal;
  • are evaluated by an independent Forest Enhancement Program committee that recommends appropriate funding support.

How to apply

Applications for tree planting and education projects can be requested for a 1-year period and up to a $10,000 maximum. Applications may be submitted from July 1 to November 1 for the next year.

You must submit full budget information, site photos, and a site plan with your application. Failure to provide this information may disqualify applications from consideration.


  • site planting plan;
  • size and species of trees;
  • tree protection being used;
  • solid maintenance plan;
  • education projects must have a education component;
  • quotes from 3 different nurseries;
  • communication strategy;
  • ensure that there are no tree conflicts with overhead and/or underground infrastructure. Call or click before you dig.

Send the completed form and all supporting information to us via:

Contact us

For more information on the Forest Enhancement Program or application completion, email us or call 204-360-3365 (voicemail only).

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Costs eligible for funding

Eligible costs

You may request support for:

  • tree stock (seedlings to larger nursery stock) – must be of high quality and hardy to the area where it is planted;
  • site preparation;
  • planting of trees and up to 2 years of maintenance;
  • trees and any large tree-form shrubs (mature height 3 metres).

The Forest Enhancement Program may support preparation and delivery of information, communication, instructional and interpretative materials and activities for schools, religious institutions, senior’s homes, sports fields, community clubs, and publicly supported institutions.

  • Content for school-oriented projects must be consistent with the Manitoba Department of Education’s curriculum guidelines.
  • Content for public education projects should be rooted in the principles of the biological and ecological sciences and sustainable forest management practices and uses.

Ineligible costs

  • Costs not related to tree planting and tree maintenance, such as sod or grass seed, soil for landscaping and fill, levelling, berm and path construction, rocks, flowers, site furniture and site facilities.
  • Transplanting cultivated or wild trees from private land, roadsides, and Crown land.
  • Projects that primarily benefit private organizations or individual land owners.
  • Costs of developing project plans or proposals and retroactive costs previously incurred by proponents.
  • Core funding for an applicant’s organization, wages, and general administrative costs.
  • Website costs or capital equipment expenses.

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The Manitoba Hydro fiscal year runs from April 1 until March 31. Project funding must be spent within the fiscal year. All invoices related to the Forest Enhancement Program must be submitted by February 1 of the fiscal year. We will not accept invoices from those who carry-over unspent funds into subsequent years.

You are expected to:

  • enter into an agreement with Manitoba Hydro that sets out the scope of the work, the schedule of activities, amount of funding, and the manner in which funds will be released;
  • ensure that project implementation meets with the Funding Agreement;
  • obtain any required approvals from governments and land owners prior to implementing the project;
  • obtain competitive bids on supplies, materials, equipment and contracted services to ensure cost effectiveness;
  • recognize Manitoba Hydro on any permanent signage* about the project, and allow Manitoba Hydro to participate in any public announcement of the project;
  • allow Manitoba Hydro personnel access to the project area to observe or inspect the project;
  • maintain records on costs, expenditures and accomplishments, and allow Manitoba Hydro access to the records for inspection and audit, where required;
  • submit a report describing project status and provide a detailed accounting of expenditures upon project completion.

* We provide an all-weathered standard project sign 76 x 101 cm, to all tree and education planting project proponents for installation. We will not pay for additional permanent signage that proponents purchase and install separately.

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